九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌-ag九游会官方 Papua New Guinea-九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

ag九游会官方 Papua New Guinea-九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

发布日期:2024-09-10 04:56  点击次数:92

ag九游会官方 Papua New Guinea-九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What's up everyone.

CNN 10 点主捏东说念主 COY WIRE:全球好吗?

The weekend is just around the corner.


I am pumped and ready to rock with you one more time this week.


I'm Coy Wire, aka Coy Boy, or your boy Coy, as some of you've been calling me on social.

我是 Coy Wire,笔名 Coy Boy,或者你们的男孩 Coy,就像你们在酬酢网站上对我的名称同样。

Love it.


This is CNN 10, your new show where I tell you the what, letting you decide what to think.

这是 CNN 10,您的新节目,我会告诉您发生了什么,让您决定该若何思。

We're going to start with your headlines.


We begin in Haiti, where the entire country is now under a state of emergency.


Violent gangs have taken control of much of the capital city of Port-au-Prince, and they're trying to spread to other regions.


The expanded state of emergency comes as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken travels to the embattled nation.

在好意思国国务卿安东尼·布林肯 (Antony Blinken) 赶赴这个楚歌四面的国度之际,紧迫情状扩大。

He's there to lend support to the Haitian government as it tries to get the violence under control.


The U.S. is the biggest funder of a U.N.-backed security mission trying to fight the gangs.


America has pledged more than $300 million to help Haiti in its efforts to restore order.


Next, we head to the California town with a different kind of state of emergency, land shifting.


It's happening in the Pacific Ocean city of Rancho Palos Verdes.


The land in the area is moving so severely that it's tearing homes apart and disrupting power lines.


Officials say the land there has been shifting slowly for decades, but the problem has suddenly gotten worse and quickly.

官员们暗意, 那边的地皮几十年来一直在冉冉出动,但问题一刹赶紧恶化。

CNN's Stephanie Elam has more.

CNN 的斯蒂芬妮·埃拉姆 (Stephanie Elam) 有更多。

STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This is the edge of a landslide here in Rancho Palos Verdes.

斯蒂芬妮·埃拉姆,CNN 记者:这是 Rancho Palos Verdes 山体滑坡的边际。

Look at what it's done to this house, which is collapsing down into the earth here.


You can see that it's sinking down below where it should be.


You can see by the railing to the stairs to the house, and also you can see what it's done to the road beyond it.


Even the house beyond that, you can see that it looks like it's shifting in the middle of the building.


Now, the land here in Rancho Palos Verdes is coveted because of the Pacific Ocean views along the coast here, but also the land's been shifting here for a long time, but just never at this accelerated clip, local officials say.

当地官员说, 当今, 兰乔帕洛斯弗迪斯的地皮之是以受到深爱, 是因为这里海岸边不错遥望太平洋的好意思景,而且这里的地皮也仍是出动了很长一段时期,但速率从未如斯之快。

They say it's moving in some places by about 10 inches a week, so much so that the governor has declared a state of emergency and they've cut off the power and the gas lines to certain neighborhoods because of the earth moving just so fast.

传闻有些场所的地动速率每周约为 10 英寸,由于地动速率太快, 州长已通知插足紧迫情状, 何况已堵截某些街区的电力和煤气管说念。

WIRE: Next up, Pope Francis is the 87-year-old head of the Catholic Church, but he's delivering a message of dialogue between all religious faiths as he travels across Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

WIRE:接下来, 教皇弗朗西斯是 87 岁的上帝教学首级,但他在穿越东南亚和太平洋地区时, 正在传递扫数宗教信仰之间对话的信息。

The Pope is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, which has more than one billion followers worldwide.


He's also the head of state of Vatican City, which is actually its own country within the city of Rome in Italy.


He became the Catholic Church's 266th Pope in 2013, and as Christopher Lamb reports, he's now embarking on the longest trip since his inauguration.

2013 年, 他成为上帝教学第 266 任教皇,正如克里斯托弗·兰姆 (Christopher Lamb) 报说念的那样, 他当今正踏上接事以来最长的一次旅程。

CHRISTOPHER LAMB, CNN VATICAN CORRESPONDENT: Pope Francis is embarking on the longest foreign trip of his pontificate.

克里斯托弗·兰姆,CNN 梵蒂冈记者:教皇方济各行将启动其任期内最长的一次放洋侦探。

He's going to four countries across Southeast Asia and the Pacific, covering almost 33,000 kilometers.

他将赶赴东南亚和太平洋地区的四个国度,行程近 33,000 公里。

It's the longest trip that any Pope has embarked upon.


Francis will be going to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore.


Now top of the agenda of this trip is interfaith dialog.


Francis will be in Indonesia, which is a country which has the world's largest Muslim population.


He'll be taking part in an interfaith dialog event at the Istiqlal Mosque, the largest Mosque in Southeast Asia.


It's a mosque that is connected via a tunnel to the Catholic Cathedral across the road.


It is an embodiment of the vision that Francis has for Catholic Muslim relations, the importance of coexistence and friendship.


And he will be hoping that this message of dialog between faiths can resonate across the world at a time of growing conflicts and rising religious extremism.


Now, Francis will also have the opportunity to support the Catholic communities in these Southeast Asian and Pacific countries, countries that are increasingly playing an important role in global Catholicism.

当今, 方济各还将有契机赈济这些东南亚和太平洋国度的上帝教社区,这些国度在全球上帝教中发扬着越来越要紧的作用。

Now the Pope, of course, is 87-years-old.

如今,教皇仍是 87 岁了。

He uses a wheelchair.


He's had some health difficulties.


Some are asking whether he will be able to carry out this trip at all.


Nevertheless, Francis has shown he is determined to embark upon this trip the longest of his pontificate.


And he's showing people, those critics who perhaps, are doubting whether he has still got the energy left to be Pope, that he still has plenty of gas left in the tank.


WIRE: Pop quiz, hot shot.


Which European capital city is home to a famous structure originally constructed for the 1889 World's Fair?

哪座欧洲王人门领有领先为 1889 年全国展览会诞生的盛名建筑?

London, Munich, Paris, or Rome?


If you said Paris, say ooh-la-la-wee-wee.

若是您说的是巴黎,就说 ooh-la-la-wee-wee。

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in the world, standing some 300 meters, or 984 feet, towards the Parisian sky.

埃菲尔铁塔是全国上最盛名的地标之一,高约 300 米, 即 984 英尺, 直冲巴黎的天外。

Up next, ooh-la-la-wee-wee, head to France.


The Paris Olympics may be over, but the symbol of those games may be sticking around.


The mayor of Paris says she wants the Olympic rings that were installed on the Eiffel Tower to stay there.


Originally, they were supposed to come down after the ongoing Paralympics has the closing ceremony this month.


But the mayor says she wants the spirit of the celebration to remain, and that the rings are a symbol of transformation of the city.

但市长说, 她但愿庆祝的精神或者保留住来,何况五环是城市变革的象征。

Residents are divided on the plan to keep the rings.


The descendants of Gustave Eiffel, the engineer who designed the famous tower, they're against the idea.


SASKYA VANDOORNE, CNN SENIOR FIELD PRODUCER: This was the iconic symbol of the Olympics this summer, but why is it causing so much controversy?

CNN 高档现场制作主说念主 SASKYA VANDOORNE:这是本年夏天奥运会的标记性标记,但为什么它会引起如斯多的争议?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's an eyesore.


It's something different, but the Eiffel Tower has been there for years and years, and I don't think it needs to change.

这是不同的东西, 但埃菲尔铁塔仍是存在了许多年,我认为它不需要篡改。

VANDOORNE: These Olympic rings could soon be a permanent fixture.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it's OK for now, but not forever, because it's a historical monument, you know, so.

身份不解的男性:我认为当今还不错,但不是长久, 因为它是一座历史顾虑碑, 你知说念,是以。

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For me, the tower is amazing.


You know, it's so beautiful, but with the ring, look a little bit different.


So I think it's not very aesthetic.


VANDOORNE (voice-over): The city of Paris owns the Eiffel Tower, and officials say the decision is up to them.


PIERRE RABADAN, PARIS DEPUTY MAYOR: This event was a massive success probably all around the world, and it will be changing Paris forever in a good way.

皮埃尔·拉巴丹, 巴黎副市长:这次看成可能在全全国王人赢得了庞杂的见效,它将以一种好的神色长久篡改巴黎。

Visually, when you will be in Paris, remember that this moment was a key in the history of Paris, so that's why we chose that symbol.

从视觉上来说, 当你来到巴黎时,请记着这一刻是巴黎历史上的要道时刻,是以咱们接收了这个标记。

VANDOORNE: For descendants of its creator, Gustave Eiffel, they don't want his legacy to become an advertising platform.


SAVIN YEATMAN-EIFFEL, DESCENDANT OF GUSTAVE EIFFEL: So Gustave Eiffel is my great-great-great-grandfather.

SAVIN YEATMAN-EIFFEL,GUSTAVE EIFFEL 的后代:是以 Gustave Eiffel 是我的曾曾曾祖父。

We were very happy to have the during the Olympic Games.


It was a great moment, but the premise was permanent, the Eiffel Tower was never meant to be a billboard for any other company or brand, no matter how prestigious it may be.

这是一个伟大的时刻, 但前提是不灭的,埃菲尔铁塔从来就不是任何其他公司或品牌的告白牌,不管它有何等享有殊荣。

WIRE: Now if the rings do stay, fun fact, it won't be the same set we see on the tower now.


They weigh 30 tons, so they need to be replaced with a more lightweight version.


Today's story, getting a 10 out of 10, is long overdue.

今天的故事,10 分中的 10 分,早就应该了。

A Virginia Library says a book that was borrowed 50 years ago has finally been returned.

弗吉尼亚州一家藏书楼称,50 年前借出的一册书终于璧还了。

Leaves of Grass by American poet Walt Whitman was due back on June 3rd of 1974.

好意思国诗东说念主沃尔特·惠特曼的《草叶集》将于 1974 年 6 月 3 日出书。

A woman told the library she found the book while cleaning out her sister's house, and she had the novel idea to bring it back.

一位女士告诉藏书楼, 她在清算姐姐的屋子时发现了这本书,她思到了一个新奇的思法, 思把它带追想。

Good thing for her.


The library no longer charges overdue fines.


If it did, the library estimates the amount owed could have been more than 1,700 bucks.

若是确乎如斯,藏书楼臆度欠款金额可能逾越 1,700 好意思元。

You know, a book just fell on my head last night.


I only have my shelf to blame.


Our shout-out today is going to Sims Middle School in Union, South Carolina.


Go Tigers!


Cue that Friday music now, there.


Have an awesome weekend, everyone.


Rise up.


Go introduce yourself to someone new today.


Make someone smile.


Shine bright from your small corner of this world.


Remember, you are more powerful than you know.


I'm Coy Wire.

我是 Coy Wire。

It's been a blessing to spend this week with you.



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